

You want to contribute to this website?
Want to share your opinions about the catalog in general?

Here are our current jobs openings.

Catalog Analyst: Your job is to inform people about rumors, tweaks and items informations.

Administrative: Your job is to manage staff members, making sure the site runs properly. 

To submit your application, send a message to Katarak via Roblox including these following questions (filled up)

1. Name the job that you picked.
2. Why did you picked this job and not an other one?
3. Why should I choose you as an employee?
4. Your activity level on weekends? (1-10) 
5. Your activity level on weekdays? (1-10)
6. What makes you so special?
7. What will you bring at the end?


Template for item posts:

[Name of the item]


[Original price tag:]
[Status: (Limited, On sale, Going off sale)]
[Creation date]
[Roblox's description ('s item description)]
[Targeted buyers: (Noobs, poor, Normal players, Healthy robloxians, Famous robloxians)]

[Rumors: (If any)]
[Writer's note: (Your overall impression about this item)]

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